Athena Koehler
email: arkoehler@ucdavis.edu
Wildlife, fish and conservation biology with an emphasis on fish; expected graduation: 2025
Research Interests:
My research interests are geared towards salmon conservation. Not only in replenishing the numbers of salmon in our rivers and oceans, but restoring the genetic diversity and stability of populations as well as restoration of critical habitat for these salmon to be able to return and spawn in. Also very interested in how we can blend indigenous knowledge from neighboring tribes and western science to create the greatest likelihood of survival for the salmon and livelihoods of native people.
Projects I’m currently involved in:
- Nature Nur system with Leanne Pearl, which blends indigenous knowledge (Winnemem Wintu tribe) and western science (UC Davis) to form a more natural reintroduction system for chinook salmon in the McCloud river, increasing the chances for salmon to return and spawn in McCloud again.
- Fish care for the species we have at CABA including winter-run chinook salmon, spring-run chinook salmon, delta smelt, white sturgeon and green sturgeon.