studio shot CS-FIS001-00079-1920x1282 Author: Cole SartoreAperture: 25Camera: NIKON D810Caption: Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at the University of California, Davis.Iso: 320Copyright: Joel SartoreOrientation: 1 cropped-GS-FIS012-00077-1920x1282-1-1.jpg Author: Joel SartoreAperture: 32Camera: NIKON D810Iso: 320Copyright: Joel SartoreOrientation: 1 cropped-chinooksalmon-2.jpeg Author: Joel SartoreCaption: Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) at the University of California, Davis.Copyright: Image copyrighted by Joel Sartore. All Rights Reserved.For additional information and usage visit