Theo Claire

Theo Claire
Junior Specialist


B.A. Environmental Studies, Mount Holyoke College

Research Interests:

I am passionate about the restoration of anadromous cultural use species in California. Salmon and sturgeon play crucial ecological and cultural roles in their watersheds, but dams and diversions have significantly reduced their access to cold water tributaries and spawning habitat. I take an interdisciplinary approach to questions of anadromous fish restoration, bridging political ecology, restoration ecology, and critical studies. What methods may effectively bolster salmon and sturgeon populations, and what would implementation of restoration projects mean for river systems and human communities?


Claire, T. & K. Surprise. 2021. Moving the Rain: Settler Colonialism, the Capitalist State, and the Hydrologic Rift in California’s Central Valley. Antipode.

Morrow, H., A. Bachteler, T. Claire, & M. Gaines. 2021. Scott River Juvenile Salmonid Outmigrant Study. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Yreka Field Office.

Morrow, H., A. Bachteler, T. Claire, & M. Gaines. 2021. Shasta River Juvenile Salmonid Outmigrant Study. California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Yreka Field Office.